Christmas Break

I think I feel very neutral about this Christmas Break. I'm really sad that it went by so fast & I think its because it feels like for most of the break I was working. I really enjoy working but I was also very tired during the break. I really enjoyed Chrismtas because I really liked all the gifts I recieved and I got to spend it with my freinds and family. Also during the last week of winter break we had CAMP for drill to learn a new routine. I was really sore and tired but I am really excited to perform the routine. I met a new coworker at my job who is my age so I was excited to meet her as well. I also went iceskating for the first time ever. It was really scary because the ice is really slippery so its easy to slip and fall. I am hoping to go again soon so I can learn how to properly iceskate.


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