Block 1: Industriousness "There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning." This quote talks about the importance of hard work. By doing hard work you better your skills and yourself. Although it will take a while it will be worth it in the end. John Wooden is trying to say that there is no other way to get to success other than hard work. Along with planning things out you will reach a better outcome on something you are working on. Planning allows you to strategies ways you can improve. This also helps with practice. You cannot perfect anything without hard work and practice. These are the most important keys to success. You should always work hard at everything because the results at the end will be worth it. Hardwork is a major key to every job because nobody wants a lazy worker. You should always be a hardworker because there can be alot of opportunities out there for you. Block 2 : Enthusiasm "It is...